Il sole del Mediterraneo

Had it by about 2:30 in the main square in Capri. This sun! Perfectly grand, but what heat. I’ve seen the island now. North south east west. Tomorrow, Florence. I’ve arranged for transportation to the marina tomorrow morning. Then the ferry. Then making my way through Naples to the train station (surely all the more harsh after these last few days of serenity – I may spring for a taxi). Then a three hour train journey north. I should be there by about 5 – a long day of travel. Three days in Florence – the first a day-trip to Pisa where I’ve got a ticket booked to go up the tower. Day two a free day to explore – some churches and museums in mind. And day three we’re back to guided tours – a walking tour of the city in the morning, and a tour of the Uffizi Gallery in the afternoon. The end is now closer than the beginning.

But before any of that – today. A relaxing day compared to yesterday. A nice walk down the mountain to the north-western coast and the Grotta Azzura (Boue Grotto). This was fantastic. You get in one of these little rowboats, and you pretty much have to lie flat on your back as the pilot, singing the whole time, rows you over to this tiny opening in the cliff. He grabs a chain and ducks, and pulls you in. And then suddenly you’re in this cave jostling around with all the other boats, and the water is the most brilliant blue. All the boat pilots singing, their voices mingling together and echoing off the walls. You float around in there for a while, then you lie back down, and he pulls you back out.

Bus back up to Anacapri. Next was this rickety old chairlift up the mountainside. Passing over backyard gardens at the start and then straight up to the top of Monte Solaro – the highest point on the island. From there a steep trail down into a little valley, and then up, following an old stone wall that must have once had some defensive purpose for the town. At the top of the next mountain, Monte Capello, a huge iron cross, an altar to Mary, and a little church on the edge of the cliff.

Back to Monte Solaro, a Campari Soda in the bar on the edge of the cliff, and back down the chairlift for a light lunch in Anacapri. Bus to Capri and a final wander around. The heat becomes a bit much, and it’s back on the bus home. A couple hours to relax, then packing up, then another hunt for dinner.

Loved my days here on this island. Looking forward to the Renaissance jewel that is Florence.


